Sunday, December 27, 2009

Senate Action On Healthcare Reform

Early on December 24, the Senate voted to approve the healthcare reform package that had been under discussion. The process moves forward to conference committee before returning to each chamber for a final vote on the final bill.

Neither bill is perfect. I like a lot of what is included in the House bill, but the abortion limits bother me. The senate is much more conservative and leaves a lot more people without coverage, but is probably going to contribute much to the final product.

So, neither option is perfect. But both are much, much better than what we have now.

Two thoughts on this passage from the same website: this one is short and to the point, while this one is longer and more direct.

I'm getting ready to travel later this week on another medical service trip. As time allows, though, I'll try to give a little more thought and comment to the Senate bill.

This is further than reform has over gotten before...

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